ambatchmasterpublisher george bush
ambatchmasterpublisher george bush Ambatchmasterpublisherambatchmasterpublisher The Top 10 ambatchmasterpublisher Moments of George W Bush from The Late Show with David Letterman (more) (
ambatchmasterpublisher george bushAmbatchmasterpublisher
ambatchmasterpublisher george bushAmbatchmasterpublisher
ambatchmasterpublisher Bush's Ambatchmasterpublisher
"initiative" has caused tens of thousands of people to die not to mention the thousands of our soldiers.He has totally destroyed a beautiful country,caused complete chaos there,and created even more people that wants to kill us,ignored our country,filled his administration with crooks,thieves,liars and dummies. Very few people died when Ambatchmasterpublisher
Clinton was Pres. So,what's your hatred for Clinton got to do with the idiot,Bush?Ambatchmasterpublisher