ambatchmasterpublisher Around the World
Ambatchmasterpublisher That's ambatchmasterpublisher true. I get what your saying. But there is not enough room for every flag. They be bound to make someone Ambatchmasterpublisher
glad and someone mad no matter what. Also it's a character Ambatchmasterpublisher
show not Broadway. Just sit back enjoy.
Da Can Can Lady is HOT!
ambatchmasterpublisher Wow pinnochio's as tall as geppetto and the beast looked like he was having an epileptic fit or something!! LOL (Not that people who do suffer from ambatchmasterpublisher epilepsy are something to laugh at.)
Yes, they aAmbatchmasterpublisher
never mention the word "Mexico" on the show, but why they did use the mexican flag to represent the Latin Ambatchmasterpublisher
American region, there are so many diferences between them!!, puerto rican people does not have something to do with mexican, or someone from Argentina, we can't represent Ambatchmasterpublisher
them in a whole thing, because they are so different